Viral Sach : Pankaj Davar – साइबर सिटी गुरूग्राम बीते 1 सप्ताह से कूड़े और गंदगी के बीच घिरा हुआ है यहां नगर निगम के सभी सफाई कर्मचारी अपनी मांगों को लेकर हड़ताल पर बैठे है, 8 दिनों से शहर में फैली गंदगी को लेकर सोशल मीडिया पर सरकार की खूब फजीहत हो रही है बावजूद इसके सरकार ने कर्मचारियों की बात अब तक नहीं सुनी है I
पंकज डावर ने कहा कि जहां शहर में फैल रही गंदगी से बीमारियों का खतरा बढ़ रहा है और पूरा शहर गन्दगी से परेशान है वही हैरानी की बात तो यह है कि इसी बीच फोटो खिंचवाने के आदी बन चुके भाजपा नेताओं ने फोटो खिंचवाने के शौक में झाड़ू लेकर शहर के बाहरी इलाके में पहुंच गए और अपने कुछ साथियों के साथ कूड़ा सफाई के नाम पर फोटो खिंचवा कर नदारद हो गए।
पंकज डावर ने कहा कि भाजपा के नेता यह जान ले की साइबर सिटी में उनकी नौटंकी चलने वाली नहीं है क्योंकि जब आम आदमी सड़कों पर आता है और अपने पेट के लिए लड़ाई लड़ता है तो जीत उसकी निश्चित होती है सफाई कर्मचारी इन दिनों अपनी लड़ाई को लेकर सड़कों पर है उनकी जीत निश्चित होगी भाजपा के चाहे जो नेता चाहे जो नौटंकी कर ले अब वे फोटो बाजी वाली नौटंकी से जनता को बरगला नहीं सकते।
Translated by Google
Viral Sach: Cyber City Gurugram has been surrounded by garbage and filth for the past 1 week, here all the sanitation workers of the Municipal Corporation are sitting on strike for their demands, the government has made a lot of trouble on social media for the mess spread in the city for 8 days. Despite this, the government has not yet listened to the employees.
Pankaj Davar said that where the risk of diseases is increasing due to the dirt spreading in the city and the whole city is troubled by the filth, the surprising thing is that in the meantime, BJP leaders who have become accustomed to taking photographs, have broom in the hobby of taking photographs. He reached the outskirts of the city and along with some of his companions disappeared after being photographed in the name of cleaning the garbage.
Pankaj Davar said that BJP leaders should know that their gimmicks are not going to work in cyber city because when common man comes on the streets and fights for his stomach, victory is certain for him. He is on the streets, his victory will be certain, whoever the BJP leader wants to do whatever gimmick, now they cannot mislead the public with the gimmick of photo-playing.
Cyber City Gurugram has been surrounded by garbage and filth for the past 1 week, here all the sanitation workers of the Municipal Corporation are sitting on strike for their demands, the government has made a lot of trouble on social media for the mess spread in the city for 8 days. Despite this, the government has not yet listened to the employees.
Pankaj Davar said that where the risk of diseases is increasing due to the dirt spreading in the city and the whole city is troubled by the filth, the surprising thing is that in the meantime, BJP leaders who have become accustomed to taking photographs, have broom in the hobby of taking photographs. He reached the outskirts of the city and along with some of his companions disappeared after being photographed in the name of cleaning the garbage.
Cyber City Gurugram has been surrounded by garbage and filth for the past 1 week, here all the sanitation workers of the Municipal Corporation are sitting on strike for their demands, the government has made a lot of trouble on social media for the mess spread in the city for 8 days. Despite this, the government has not yet listened to the employees.
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