
GL Sharma की माताजी के निधन पर मुख्यमंत्री मनोहर लाल ने जताया शोक

GL Sharma


Viral Sach – गुरुग्राम – मुख्यमंत्री मनोहर लाल ने हरियाणा भाजपा के वरिष्ठ नेता GL Sharma की माता जी चमेली देवी के निधन पर शोक प्रकट किया है।

मुख्यमंत्री ने ट्वीट कर शोकाकुल परिवार को सांत्वना दी है। अपने ट्वीट में मुख्यमंत्री ने लिखा कि भारतीय जनता पार्टी हरियाणा के वरिष्ठ नेता जीएल शर्मा जी की माताजी चमेली देवी जी के देहावसान पर विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि।

ईश्वर दिवंगत आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करे और शोक संतप्त परिजनों को यह दुख सहन करने की शक्ति प्रदान करे। जीएल शर्मा की माता जी चमेली देवी पत्नी श्री दीपचंद शर्मा का शनिवार 16 जनवरी को देर सांय निधन हो गया था।

वह 88 वर्ष की थी। उनका अंतिम संस्कार उनके पैतृक गांव राजावास में किया गया। उनके ज्येष्ठ पुत्र जीएल शर्मा ने उनके शव को मुखाग्नि दी।

उनकी अंतिम यात्रा में हरियाणा भाजपा के संगठन महामंत्री आर रविन्द्र राजू और प्रवक्ता जवाहर यादव सहित विभिन्न राजनैतिक दलों के नेताओं के साथ सामाजिक, धार्मिक संस्थाओं के पदाधिकारियों, समाज के प्रबुद्ध लोगों और आस पास के गांवों से सैकड़ों ग्रामीणों ने हिस्सा लिया।

दिवंगत चमेली देवी को राजावास गांव की पहली महिला सरपंच होने का गौरव भी प्राप्त था। जीएल शर्मा ने बताया कि 26 तारीख मंगलवार को रस्म पगड़ी की रस्म अदा की जाएगी।

Translated by Google 

Viral News – Gurugram – Chief Minister Manohar Lal has condoled the demise of Chameli Devi, mother of senior Haryana BJP leader GL Sharma.

The Chief Minister has consoled the bereaved family by tweeting. In his tweet, the Chief Minister wrote that a humble tribute to Bharatiya Janata Party Haryana’s senior leader GL Sharma ji on the death of his mother Chameli Devi ji.

May God give peace to the departed soul and give strength to the bereaved family members to bear this loss. GL Sharma’s mother-in-law Chameli Devi, wife of Mr. Deepchand Sharma, passed away on Saturday, January 16 late evening.

She was 88 years old. His last rites were performed at his native village Rajawas. His eldest son GL Sharma lit the funeral pyre.

In his last journey, Haryana BJP General Secretary R Ravindra Raju and Spokesperson Jawahar Yadav along with leaders of various political parties, office bearers of social and religious organizations, enlightened people of the society and hundreds of villagers from nearby villages participated.

Late Chameli Devi also had the distinction of being the first woman Sarpanch of Rajawas village. GL Sharma told that the turban ceremony will be performed on Tuesday, the 26th.

The Chief Minister has consoled the bereaved family by tweeting. In his tweet, the Chief Minister wrote that a humble tribute to Bharatiya Janata Party Haryana’s senior leader GL Sharma ji on the death of his mother Chameli Devi ji.

May God give peace to the departed soul and give strength to the bereaved family members to bear this loss. GL Sharma’s mother-in-law Chameli Devi, wife of Mr. Deepchand Sharma, passed away on Saturday, January 16 late evening.

She was 88 years old. His last rites were performed at his native village Rajawas. His eldest son GL Sharma lit the funeral pyre.

In his last journey, Haryana BJP General Secretary R Ravindra Raju and Spokesperson Jawahar Yadav along with leaders of various political parties, office bearers of social and religious organizations, enlightened people of the society and hundreds of villagers from nearby villages participated.

Late Chameli Devi also had the distinction of being the first woman Sarpanch of Rajawas village. GL Sharma told that the turban ceremony will be performed on Tuesday, the 26th.

The Chief Minister has consoled the bereaved family by tweeting. In his tweet, the Chief Minister wrote that a humble tribute to Bharatiya Janata Party Haryana’s senior leader GL Sharma ji on the death of his mother Chameli Devi ji.

May God give peace to the departed soul and give strength to the bereaved family members to bear this loss. GL Sharma’s mother-in-law Chameli Devi, wife of Mr. Deepchand Sharma, passed away on Saturday, January 16 late evening.

She was 88 years old. His last rites were performed at his native village Rajawas. His eldest son GL Sharma lit the funeral pyre.

In his last journey, Haryana BJP General Secretary R Ravindra Raju and Spokesperson Jawahar Yadav along with leaders of various political parties, office bearers of social and religious organizations, enlightened people of the society and hundreds of villagers from nearby villages participated.

Late Chameli Devi also had the distinction of being the first woman Sarpanch of Rajawas village. GL Sharma told that the turban ceremony will be performed on Tuesday, the 26th.

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