
मेयर Madhu Azad के आवास पर पहुंचे महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी धर्मदेव महाराज

Madhu Azad


Viral Sach – गुरुग्राम की मेयर Madhu Azad के आवास पर मंगलवार को महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी धर्मदेव जी महाराज पहुंचे। उन्होंने मेयर एवं उनके परिवार को नववर्ष की बधाई दी।

उनके यहां पहुंचने पर मेयर मधु आजाद ने परिवार सहित उनका स्वागत किया तथा उनका आशीर्वाद प्राप्त किया।

स्वामी जी ने मेयर को दीर्घायु एवं स्वस्थ रहने का आशीर्वाद दिया तथा कहा कि वे इसी प्रकार लम्बे समय तक जनसेवा करें। उन्होंने कहा कि जरूरतमंद की सेवा करना परम् धर्म है।

उन्होंने मेयर मधु आजाद से कहा कि उन्हें जनता की सेवा करने का बेहतरीन मौका मिला है। वे गुरुग्राम को बेहतर शहर बनाने की दिशा में अपना प्रयास लगातार जारी रखें।

मेयर मधु आजाद ने स्वामी जी को विश्वास दिलाया कि वे हर समय गुरुग्राम निवासियों की सेवा के लिए इसी प्रकार अपने प्रयास जारी रखेंगी।

उन्होंने बताया की वे प्रत्येक जरूरतमंद की हर समय मदद करने के लिए तैयार रहती हैं। इस मौके पर मेयर के साथ उनके पति एडवोकेट अशोक आजाद तथा सुपुत्र एडवोकेट पारुष आजाद एवं पुरु आजाद तथा मियांवाली बिरादरी के प्रधान सुरेश चौधरी ने स्वामी जी का आशीर्वाद लिया।

Translated by Google 

Viral News – Mahamandaleshwar Swami Dharmadev Ji Maharaj arrived at the residence of Gurugram Mayor Madhu Azad on Tuesday. He congratulated the mayor and his family for the new year.

On his arrival, Mayor Madhu Azad along with his family welcomed him and received his blessings.

Swami ji blessed the Mayor for long life and good health and said that he should continue to serve the people like this for a long time. He said that serving the needy is the ultimate religion.

He told Mayor Madhu Azad that he has got a great opportunity to serve the public. May he continue his efforts towards making Gurugram a better city.

Mayor Madhu Azad assured Swamiji that she would continue her efforts to serve the residents of Gurugram all the time.

He told that he is ready to help every needy all the time. On this occasion, along with the Mayor, her husband Advocate Ashok Azad and sons Advocate Parush Azad and Puru Azad and head of Mianwali community Suresh Chaudhary took the blessings of Swamiji.

On his arrival, Mayor Madhu Azad along with his family welcomed him and received his blessings.

Swami ji blessed the Mayor for long life and good health and said that he should continue to serve the people like this for a long time. He said that serving the needy is the ultimate religion.

He told Mayor Madhu Azad that he has got a great opportunity to serve the public. May he continue his efforts towards making Gurugram a better city.

Mayor Madhu Azad assured Swamiji that she would continue her efforts to serve the residents of Gurugram all the time.

He told that he is ready to help every needy all the time. On this occasion, along with the Mayor, her husband Advocate Ashok Azad and sons Advocate Parush Azad and Puru Azad and head of Mianwali community Suresh Chaudhary took the blessings of Swamiji.

Swami ji blessed the Mayor for long life and good health and said that he should continue to serve the people like this for a long time. He said that serving the needy is the ultimate religion.

He told Mayor Madhu Azad that he has got a great opportunity to serve the public. May he continue his efforts towards making Gurugram a better city.

On his arrival, Mayor Madhu Azad along with his family welcomed him and received his blessings.

Swami ji blessed the Mayor for long life and good health and said that he should continue to serve the people like this for a long time. He said that serving the needy is the ultimate religion.

He told Mayor Madhu Azad that he has got a great opportunity to serve the public. May he continue his efforts towards making Gurugram a better city.

Mayor Madhu Azad assured Swamiji that she would continue her efforts to serve the residents of Gurugram all the time.

He told that he is ready to help every needy all the time. On this occasion, along with the Mayor, her husband Advocate Ashok Azad and sons Advocate Parush Azad and Puru Azad and head of Mianwali community Suresh Chaudhary took the blessings of Swamiji.

On his arrival, Mayor Madhu Azad along with his family welcomed him and received his blessings.

Swami ji blessed the Mayor for long life and good health and said that he should continue to serve the people like this for a long time. He said that serving the needy is the ultimate religion.

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