
GL Sharma की माता जी को श्रद्धांजलि देने पहुंची कई हस्तियां

GL Sharma


Viral Sach – गुरुग्राम – हरियाणा भाजपा के वरिष्ठ नेता GL Sharma की माता जी चमेली देवी के निधन पर राजनीतिक दलों, सामाजिक, धार्मिक संस्थाओं के प्रनितिधियों के साथ समाज के प्रबुद्ध लोगों के शोक जताने का सिलसिला वीरवार को भी जारी रहा।

इस दौरान सीएम मनोहर लाल के मीडिया सलाहकार, चेयरमैन और विधायकों के साथ विभिन्न सामाजिक संस्थाओं के पदाधिकारियों और समाज के प्रबुद्ध जनों ने जीएल शर्मा के पैतृक निवास गांव राजावास पहुंच कर दिवंगत आत्मा को अपनी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। इन लोगों ने श्रीमति चमेली देवी के निधन पर गहरा दुख प्रकट किया।

श्रद्धांजलि देने पहुंचे प्रमुख लोगों में सीएम के मीडिया सलहकार विनोद मेहता, हरको बैंक के चेयरमैन डॉ. अरविन्द यादव, गुरुग्राम के विधायक सुधीर सिंगला, रेवाड़ी के वरिष्ठ भाजपा नेता सतीश खोला, देवेंद्र यादव शिकोपुर, वीरेंदर पार्षद हब्लू, बलजीत यादव वज़ीराबाद, विजय राव पार्षद, बाबूलाल सैनी पार्षद, महम से श्री भगवान, हिसार से प्रवीण जैन, शील राघव , भाजयुमो गुरुग्राम के सचिन दहिया,पंकज यादव, भाजपा ओबीसी मोर्चा प्रदीप गुर्जर सहित कई नामचीन हस्तियां शामिल रहीं।

गौरतलब है कि जीएल शर्मा की माता जी चमेली देवी का शनिवार 16 जनवरी को देहांत हो गया था। वो 88 वर्ष की थीं। उनका अंतिम संस्कार उनके पैतृक गांव राजावास में रविवार 17 को किया गया था। उनकी रस्म पगड़ी (श्रद्धांजलि सभा) 26 जनवरी मंगलवार को गांव राजावास में ही आयोजित की जाएगी।

Translated by Google 

Viral News – Gurugram – The process of condoling the death of senior Haryana BJP leader GL Sharma’s mother, Chameli Devi along with representatives of political parties, social and religious organizations, continued on Thursday as well.

During this, along with CM Manohar Lal’s media advisor, chairman and MLAs, office bearers of various social organizations and enlightened people of the society paid their respects to the departed soul by reaching the ancestral residence village Rajawas of GL Sharma. These people expressed deep sorrow over the demise of Mrs. Chameli Devi.

Chief Minister’s Media Advisor Vinod Mehta, Harco Bank Chairman Dr. Arvind Yadav, Gurgaon MLA Sudhir Singla, Rewari senior BJP leader Satish Khola, Devendra Yadav Shikopur, Virender Councilor Hublu, Baljit Yadav Wazirabad, Vijay Rao were among the prominent people who came to pay homage. Councillor, Babulal Saini Councillor, Shri Bhagwan from Maham, Praveen Jain from Hisar, Sheel Raghav, Sachin Dahiya of BJYM Gurugram, Pankaj Yadav, BJP OBC Morcha Pradeep Gurjar and many eminent personalities were involved.

It is noteworthy that Chameli Devi, mother of GL Sharma, died on Saturday, January 16. She was 88 years old. His last rites were performed at his native village Rajawas on Sunday 17th. His ritual turban (tribute gathering) will be held on Tuesday, January 26, at village Rajawas itself.

During this, along with CM Manohar Lal’s media advisor, chairman and MLAs, office bearers of various social organizations and enlightened people of the society paid their respects to the departed soul by reaching the ancestral residence village Rajawas of GL Sharma. These people expressed deep sorrow over the demise of Mrs. Chameli Devi.

Chief Minister’s Media Advisor Vinod Mehta, Harco Bank Chairman Dr. Arvind Yadav, Gurgaon MLA Sudhir Singla, Rewari senior BJP leader Satish Khola, Devendra Yadav Shikopur, Virender Councilor Hublu, Baljit Yadav Wazirabad, Vijay Rao were among the prominent people who came to pay homage. Councillor, Babulal Saini Councillor, Shri Bhagwan from Maham, Praveen Jain from Hisar, Sheel Raghav, Sachin Dahiya of BJYM Gurugram, Pankaj Yadav, BJP OBC Morcha Pradeep Gurjar and many eminent personalities were involved.

It is noteworthy that Chameli Devi, mother of GL Sharma, died on Saturday, January 16. She was 88 years old. His last rites were performed at his native village Rajawas on Sunday 17th. His ritual turban (tribute gathering) will be held on Tuesday, January 26, at village Rajawas itself.

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