Viral Sach – Mangauri Sewa Samiti – सर्दी में संपन्न परिवार के लोगों की हालत खराब है, तो ऐसे में सड़कों पर और झुग्गी झोपड़ियों में रहने वाले गरीबों की और उनके बच्चों की क्या हालत होगी?
इसी दर्द को समझते हुए मन्गौरी देवी माता मन्दिर सेवा समिति और आम जन विकास सेवा समिति ने संपन्न लोगों के घरों से उनके पुराने गर्म कपड़े इकट्ठे किए और गरीबों में बांटने का जो काम किया है। वह सराहनीय कदम है।
हम सभी को गर्म कपड़ों का दान देकर गरीबों की मदद करनी चाहिए। यह बात मंगलवार को महेन्द्रगढ़ बाई पास चरखी दादरी में झोपड़ पट्टी में गर्म वस्त्र वितरण कार्यक्रम के दौरान प्रदेश अध्यक्ष प्रदीप शर्मा झांसवा ने कही।
मन्गौरी सेवा समिति के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष तिलक राज शर्मा बाधोत ने बताया कि शहर के लोगों से अपील किया कि जो लोग जिन गर्म वस्त्रों को वह अपने प्रयोग में नहीं ला रहे हैं ऐसी वस्तुओं को अपने आस-पास की झुग्गी झोपडिय़ों में देकर गरीब लोगों का सहयोग करें ताकि वे भी ठंड से अपनी बचाव कर सकें।
गरीब की सहायता करना सबसे बड़ा पुण्य का काम है। इस मौके पर मन्गौरी सेवा समिति संस्थापक हंसराज शर्मा झांसवा, समाजसेवी भुपेंद्र दादरी, उप प्रधान उमेश भिवानी, सचिव विक्की, उप सचिव शिवनारायण पुनिया पंच झाल, समाजसेवी संदीप कुमार इत्यादि सदस्य मौजूद रहे।
Translated by Google
Viral Sach – Mangauri Sewa Samiti – The condition of the people of rich families is bad in winter, so what will be the condition of the poor and their children living on the streets and in slums?
Realizing this pain, Mangauri Devi Mata Mandir Seva Samiti and Aam Jan Vikas Seva Samiti have collected old warm clothes from the houses of affluent people and have done the work of distributing them among the poor. It is a commendable step.
We all should help the poor by donating warm clothes. State President Pradeep Sharma Jhanswa said this on Tuesday during the warm clothes distribution program at the slum area in Charkhi Dadri, Mahendragarh bypass.
Tilak Raj Sharma Badhot, state president of Mangauri Seva Samiti, told that he appealed to the people of the city to cooperate with the poor people by giving such items to the slums around them, which they are not using in their warm clothes. Do this so that they too can protect themselves from the cold.
Helping the poor is the greatest virtue. On this occasion, Mangauri Seva Samiti founder Hansraj Sharma Jhanswa, social worker Bhupendra Dadri, deputy chief Umesh Bhiwani, secretary Vicky, deputy secretary Shivnarayan Punia Panchjhal, social worker Sandeep Kumar etc. members were present.
Realizing this pain, Mangauri Devi Mata Mandir Seva Samiti and Aam Jan Vikas Seva Samiti have collected old warm clothes from the houses of affluent people and have done the work of distributing them among the poor. It is a commendable step.
We all should help the poor by donating warm clothes. State President Pradeep Sharma Jhanswa said this on Tuesday during the warm clothes distribution program at the slum area in Charkhi Dadri, Mahendragarh bypass.
We all should help the poor by donating warm clothes. State President Pradeep Sharma Jhanswa said this on Tuesday during the warm clothes distribution program at the slum area in Charkhi Dadri, Mahendragarh bypass.
Tilak Raj Sharma Badhot, state president of Mangauri Seva Samiti, told that he appealed to the people of the city to cooperate with the poor people by giving such items to the slums around them, which they are not using in their warm clothes. Do this so that they too can protect themselves from the cold.
Helping the poor is the greatest virtue. On this occasion, Mangauri Seva Samiti founder Hansraj Sharma Jhanswa, social worker Bhupendra Dadri, deputy chief Umesh Bhiwani, secretary Vicky, deputy secretary Shivnarayan Punia Panchjhal, social worker Sandeep Kumar etc. members were present.
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